
The Practical Benefits of Installing a Walk-In Tub


Walk-in tubs are marketed as specialised bathroom fixtures for seniors. However, this doesn’t mean that younger consumers are not allowed to enjoy the benefits of this innovative bathtub. The compact design, simple aesthetic, and excellent functionality of walk-in bathtubs are taking the internet by storm. Before investing in one, let’s take a closer look at the long list of features and benefits walk-in bathtubs offer.

Overcome mobility issues

Seniors, physically impaired individuals, or those recovering from injuries benefit from the use of walk-in bathtubs. The low-step entry threshold on the side is only a few inches tall, making entry and exit smooth and worry-free. Additionally, this feature promotes independence among seniors since most do not find assistance necessary when going in and out of the tub.

Easily accommodates assistive devices

Some walk-in bath users require assistive devices, including wheelchairs, walkers, and scooters during bathing. Bathers with very limited mobility can take a bath themselves without a caregiver assisting them throughout the process. A wheelchair accessible tub features a walk-in feature that enables users to bring them in and out of the tub quickly.

Optimum safety while bathing

As modified tubs, they are designed with materials that promote optimal safety and comfort for their users. For instance, some tubs feature an ADA-compliant seat that allows bathers to sit as they go about their bathing routine. All tubs with walk-in features are also equipped with non-skid floors and safety grab rails to reinforce safety.

Hydrotherapy treatment

The hydrotherapy feature of some models makes it a popular bathtub option not only for seniors but for younger consumers, too. They have advanced hydrotherapy features include whirlpool jets and therapeutic air that aids in alleviating muscle pain and stiffness. Bathers dealing with arthritis, fibromyalgia, and even young athletes can benefit from installing walk-in hydrotherapy tubs in their homes.

Shower features

The thoughtful design of walk-in tubs is evident in its dual-purpose feature. Most manufacturers usually add a showerhead and a faucet in every purchase. The inclusion of a riser rod also allows bathers to use the showerhead while sitting down and standing up.

Reduce the risk of falls and slips

Bathroom slips and falls are not only common among seniors. A perfectly healthy young adult may slip and fall when going in and out of a tub. By installing a walk-in tub with non-skid floors, one can reduce the risk of accidents in the bathroom.

Excellent tub option for those ageing in place

A large portion of the boomer population prefers to age rather than be admitted to assisted living facilities and senior homes. Most seniors prefer modifying some home features to make it a safer place to live in. Installing a walk-in tub allows its users to resume their activities of daily living independently without worrying about their safety.

Final thoughts

Walk-in tubs are an excellent investment for seniors and younger consumer groups that value comfort, convenience, and safety. When shopping for a specialised tub, make sure to conduct diligence to ensure you pick a high-quality walk-in tub that is guaranteed to last for many years to come.

Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/lQb35qVvJGk

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